[GRASSLIST:3998] Re: BoundingBox in eps not found by ps.map

Florian Goessmann florian.goessmann at mac.com
Thu Jul 22 21:37:32 EDT 2004


but i found the mistake myself. the eps had mac line endings, which ps.maps doesn't understand. when i changed them to unix, everything worked fine.


PS: i thought i had posted the solution the same day when i askedm but i only sned it yo myself, not to the list :-)

On Friday, July 23, 2004, at 06:26AM, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:

>> i want to include an eps file (made with adobe acrobat 6.0) into a
>> ps.map map, but ps.map complains that the bounding box cannot be
>> found. i checked the eps file and that seems to be correct as
>> %%BoundingBox is given.
>works for me....
>[tested with GRASS 5.7]
>e.g. spearfish data set:
>ps.map out=test.ps << EOF
>raster elevation.dem
>eps 50% -40%
>  epsfile /usr/lib/tk8.3/images/logo.eps
>  end
>  where 0.5 8.5
>  end
>gv test.ps
>here is the code, from 5.7's ps/ps.map/eps.c:
>    ...
>    /* looking for bbox */
>    while ( fgets(buf, 200, fp) != NULL )
>    {
>        if (sscanf(buf, "%%%%BoundingBox: %lf %lf %lf %lf", 
>		llx, lly, urx, ury) == 4)
>        {
>            fclose (fp);
>            return (1);
>        }
>    }
>    fprintf (stderr,"Bounding box in eps file <%s> was not found\n", eps);
>    fclose (fp);
>    return (0);
>so make sure the %%BoundingBox: statement has 4 numbers after it.
>I don't know why it would fail otherwise.

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