[GRASSLIST:3615] Disconnecting db in 5.7

Craig Aumann caumann at ualberta.ca
Mon Jun 7 16:50:53 EDT 2004

A few days ago, I ran an overlay command and then linked the output up
to an attribute table:  

v.overlay ainput=l1ashp atype=area binput=curregion  btype=area
output=l1ashp2cut operator=and

v.db.connect -o map=l1ashpcut table=l1aatt key=LINK_KEY \
    driver=pg database="dbname=jogis,user=caumann" 

Today, I tried to re-run things and got the following error:

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/grass57/netdown/jogis/caumann/vector > v.overlay
ainput=l1ashp atype=area binput=curregion  btype=area output=l1ashpcut \
>     operator=and
Writing attributes ...
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Table l1ashpcut already exists
Error in db_execute_immediate()
ERROR: Cannot create table: create table l1ashpcut (cat integer, cata
       integer, catb integer)


No matter what I do, I can't make this error go away.  I suspect I
should have done something to disconnect the db before I re-ran this.  

What am I not understanding/not doing right?


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