[GRASSLIST:3635] i.points3

francesco francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
Wed Jun 9 03:12:17 EDT 2004


My i.points3 module compiles fine but gives me "segmentation fault" when I 
mark the point on the target image... very strange.  I have no idea why 
(also because it worked fine with a previous version of CVS).
If anybody is familiar with this module can you please give me a hand?
Also if you have a working binary maybe you can send it to me... thanks

It is a very helpful module because it lets you draw both vectors and 
rasters on the target screen. (I think it should be included in the 
standard binary version).

Francesco Pirotti

Interdepartment Center of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing,
Cartography and GIS
University of Padua
Viale dell'Università 16 - Legnaro - PD
phone.  +39.328.2126861 / +39.049.827.2522/2688
fax. +39.049.8272686

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