[GRASSLIST:3644] Re: r.mapcalc - zero point bug

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at pf.pl
Wed Jun 9 17:00:11 EDT 2004

> The syntax and semantics of r.mapcalc expressions significantly
> resemble those of the C language, which is probably the most
> widely-known programming language. I would guess that this was
> intentional.
> The r.mapcalc manpage says:
> ...

sorry, I should have read the r.mapcalc man more carefully, some of my
problems are explained there
propably I was too tired to see it

anyway - I just assumed that numbers are numbers i.e 1 and 1.0 are exactly
the same like they told me at school

stupid me

but not everybody knows C and it's conventions
many don't know any programming language

and the fraction of such Grass users will encrease as Grass developes and
becomes more popular

so either there is a complete, up to date, manual and tutorial or more,
propably ridicolous from your point of view, questions may arrise

in general beware - I may ask you something again in the close future :)


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