Jean-Denis Giguere jdenisgiguere at fastmail.fm
Tue Jun 15 22:35:46 EDT 2004

Hello everybody !

I'm please to announce the openning of a sourceforge account for the 
gtkGRASS project. The goal of this project is to provide a real 
gtk-based gui for GRASS. We heard about this idea for a while but no 
action has been taken to get this tool. I really need this tool and I 
hope I'm not alone. I think it could be a lot of work but it is 
important if we want to increase the number of users and developers on 
this project.

I'm not a senior developper. I'm studying in geomatic applied to 
environment and I have a quite limited background in C. I do this 
project to learn and I hope it will be useful.

At this time, I would really appriciate if you want to go to the project 
page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkgrass/) and submit feature 
request. I want to know what you think is the most important for this 
new tool.

Also, if you have time and/or knowledge to put on this project, it will 
be appreciated.

Thank you,


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