[GRASSLIST:3682] Re: gmake5 in grass57

Daniel Isenegger disen at geo.unizh.ch
Wed Jun 16 09:09:19 EDT 2004

Glynn Clements schrieb:

>Daniel Isenegger wrote:
>>>use 'make' instead; copy a Makefile from another similar module & modify
>>>to suit.
>>i renamed the Gmakefile to Makefile (cause i got no other Makefile):
>That won't work. The syntax of a 5.7 Makefile is completely different
>to that of a Gmakefile.
>Copy a Makefile from a similar module and modify it.
 Hi thanks for your advice,
but i didn't succeed to move a step forward:

'Copy a Makefile from a similar module and modify it.'

a makefile from grass57 module? Like e.g. the display/d.erase/Makefile? 
(there I'm stuck with the include-line and its further invocations 

However, i tried with different version of Makefiles

CFLAGS=-c -Wall

# collection of dependencies
OBJ=main.o plotRasterMap.o

plotRasterMap: $(OBJ)
    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -g -o $@ $(OBJ) 

main.o: main.cc plotRasterMap.h
plotRasterMap.o: plotRasterMap.cc plotRasterMap.h

or with
#Path to header-files

#Path to librarys

the answer is allways
g++  -g -o plotRasterMap 
main.cc plotRasterMap.cc

... undefined reference to `G_gisinit'

How can i invoke GRASS-functions?

Thanks Dani

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