[GRASSLIST:3038] Problems with TclTk Aqua

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Sat Mar 27 18:19:49 EST 2004

Hi folks, 

I recently downloaded the GRASS 5.3 and 5.7 binaries for OS X.  I must 
say that I am impressed by how they're shaping up.  I am having one 
problem.  I also installed TclTkAquaBi-8.4.5.  Afterwards, when I launch 
GRASS 5.3, the Wish Shell crashes.  When I try the tlctkgrass& I get the 
following message:

 Error in startup script: window name "loading" already exists in parent
    while executing
"label .loading -text {Loading ...}"
    (file "/Applications/Grass/grass53/tcltkgrass/main/gui.tcl" line 1881)
    invoked from within
"source $env(TCLTKGRASSBASE)/main/gui.tcl"
    invoked from within
"if [catch {source $env(TCLTKGRASSBASE)/main/gui.tcl}] {
    set env(TCLTKGRASSBASE) $env(GISBASE)/tcltkgrass
    source $env(TCLTKGRASSBASE)/main/gui...."
    (file "/Applications/Grass/grass53/bin/tcltkgrass" line 26)

GRASS 5.7, on the other hand, will launch, but when I try to display a 
map I get:

Error:  channel "console1" wasn't open for writing

Then the buttons OK Skip Message and Details.

Does anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it?


Kurt Springs

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