[GRASSLIST:4735] Re: ps.map segmentation fault

marta.benito at uam.es marta.benito at uam.es
Mon Nov 8 09:20:12 EST 2004

> marta.benito at uam.es wrote:
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > please forget the last mail, ps.map works fine, but i am having problems with
> > vectors: 
> >  d.vect aalba
> >  segmentation fault
> > 
> > an so on with other commands. 
> > 
> > I have tried to recompiled GRASS, and the compilation seems OK, but some vector
> > commands donot work. 

Thank you Radim, answering the questions

> - Do you have enough space on disk?
> - Which module was used to write the vector,
>    finished without error?
no, finish with these errors:

GRASS GIS compilation log
Started compilation: lun nov  8 09:11:51 CET 2004
Errors in:
Finished compilation: lun nov  8 09:20:39 CET 2004

> - GRASS was compiled on the same computer?
> - What files (ls -l) are in the vectors directory
>    ($MAPSET/vector/aalba)? 

ls -l especies/vector/aalba
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta        3673 sep 14 14:21 cidx
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta       91322 sep 14 14:21 coor
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta          53 sep 14 14:21 dbln
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta         145 sep 14 14:21 head
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta         442 sep 14 14:21 hist
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta       24738 sep 14 14:21 sidx
-rw-r--r--    1 marta    marta       22202 sep 14 14:21 topo

> - Does it help to run v.build?
> - The same vector vector works on other computer?

> - Set debug level: g.gisenv set=DEBUG=5, run the d.vect again,
>    and send the last 50 rows to this list.

d.vect aalba
D3/5: G_str_to_color(): str = 'black'
D3/5: G_str_to_color(): str = 'gray'
D3/5: S_read(): sname = basic/cross
D3/5:   group: 'basic' name: 'cross'
D3/5:   BUF: VERSION 1.0
D3/5:   get_key_data(): VERSION 1.0
D3/5:   key = VERSION data = 1.0
D3/5:   BUF: BOX -1 -1 1 1
D3/5:   get_key_data(): BOX -1 -1 1 1
D3/5:   key = BOX data = -1 -1 1 1
D3/5:   get_key_data(): STRING
D4/5:   STRING >
D3/5:   BUF: LINE
D3/5:   get_key_data(): LINE
D4/5:     LINE >
D5/5:     read_coor()
D3/5:   get_key_data(): -1 0
D3/5:   key = -1 data = 0
D5/5:       x = -1.000000 y = 0.000000
D3/5:   get_key_data(): 1 0
D3/5:   key = 1 data = 0
D5/5:       x = 1.000000 y = 0.000000
D3/5:   get_key_data(): END
D5/5:     LINE END
D3/5:   BUF: END
D3/5:   get_key_data(): END
D3/5:   get_key_data(): STRING
D4/5:   STRING >
D3/5:   BUF: LINE
D3/5:   get_key_data(): LINE
D4/5:     LINE >
D5/5:     read_coor()
D3/5:   get_key_data(): 0 -1
D3/5:   key = 0 data = -1
D5/5:       x = 0.000000 y = -1.000000
D3/5:   get_key_data(): 0  1
D3/5:   key = 0 data = 1
D5/5:       x = 0.000000 y = 1.000000
D3/5:   get_key_data(): END
D5/5:     LINE END
D3/5:   BUF: END
D3/5:   get_key_data(): END
D3/5: Number of parts: 2
D4/5:   Part 0: type: 1 number of chains: 1
D4/5:            color: 1: fcolor: 1
D4/5:     Chain 0: number of elements: 1
D4/5:       Element 0: type: 1
D4/5:         Number of points 2
D4/5:         x, y: -1.000000 0.000000
D4/5:         x, y: 1.000000 0.000000
D4/5:   Part 1: type: 1 number of chains: 1
D4/5:            color: 1: fcolor: 1
D4/5:     Chain 0: number of elements: 1
D4/5:       Element 0: type: 1
D4/5:         Number of points 2
D4/5:         x, y: 0.000000 -1.000000
D4/5:         x, y: 0.000000 1.000000
D3/5: S_stroke(): size = 8 rotation = 0.000000 tolerance = 0
D4/5:   part 0
D5/5:   stroke_chain(): ch = 0
D5/5:     element count = 1
D5/5:     LINE count = 2
D5/5:     add_coor -4, 0
D5/5:     add_coor 4, 0
D4/5:   part 1
D5/5:   stroke_chain(): ch = 0
D5/5:     element count = 1
D5/5:     LINE count = 2
D5/5:     add_coor 0, -4
D5/5:     add_coor 0, 4
D1/5: Vect_open_old(): name = aalba mapset= especies update = 0
D1/5: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/5: dig_spidx_init()
D2/5: dig_cidx_init()
D1/5: open format file: 'especies/vector/aalba/frmt'
D1/5: Vector format: 0 (native)
D1/5: Vect__read_head(): vector = aalba at especies
D1/5: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/5: Level request = 0
D1/5: Vect_open_topo(): name = aalba mapset= especies
D1/5: get coor info:
D1/5: Info->size = 91322, Info->mtime = 1095164465
D2/5: Topo header: file version 5.0 , supported from GRASS version 5.0
D2/5:   byte order 0
D2/5:   header size 142
D2/5:   with_z 0
D2/5:   coor size 91322
D1/5: Topo head: coor size = 91322, coor mtime = 1073816760
D1/5: dig_load_plus()
D1/5: dig_spidx_init()
D2/5: dig_cidx_init()
D2/5: Topo header: file version 5.0 , supported from GRASS version 5.0
D2/5:   byte order 0
D2/5:   header size 142
D2/5:   with_z 0
D2/5:   coor size 91322
segmentation fault


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