[GRASSLIST:4757] Re: create raster from series of rasters...

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 9 18:34:41 EST 2004

> I have a series of 364 raster images, and I would like to create a
> single raster, where each cell is a function of a series of 364 other
> rasters.
> I have tried r.series, but it seems to die after 211 images... 
> I have been able to get a result with only half of my data, but it
> would be nice to incorporate all 364 rasters in the final calculation.
> Any ideas?

You need to edit lib/gis/G.h and change MAXFILES to something like 450
then recompile GRASS.

raster/r.patch/nfiles.h notes:
 * Must be smaller than MAXFILES as defined in src/libes/gis/G.h which 
 * in turn must be smaller than the operating system's limit.
 *  (Given by `cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max` in Linux 2.4)

It should be ok, but having a huge amount of maps open at once may tax
your system resources somewhat..

bonus hint: use input=`g.mlist sep=, pattern='*.map'` to make the
r.series command a bit easier to set up.

I guess we should put in a check on # of input files and generate a
warning.. r.series, r.patch, others?  r.out.mpeg should be ok.


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