[GRASSLIST:4911] QGIS + GRASS problem

Kenlo Nishida kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue Nov 23 06:41:09 EST 2004

Hi GRASS users,

I am trying to use QGIS with GRASS support. All the installation of
GDAL, GRASS5.7, and QGIS completed fine and I can invoke QGIS on
the GRASS shell. However, when I try to add a GRASS raster layer on
QGIS with the GRASS plug-in button, it refuses to do so giving a
message which says:

   (...GRASS raster dataset name...) is not a supported raster data source.

Of course, the GRASS raster dataset appears fine on GRASS with d.rast command.
The GDAL interface seems working fine both on GRASS and QGIS because a
GeoTIFF dataset (Landsat data) could be imported to them.

Can anyone kindly give me a crue to fix this problem?

PC: Vine-Linux 3.0 on x86
GRASS: installed from source (grass-5.7.0.tar.gz)
GDAL:  gdal-1.2.3-mh2.rpm  gdal-devel-1.2.3-mh2
QGIS:  installed from source (qgis-0.5.0.tar.gz)

Kenlo Nishida
Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering
University of Tsukuba, Japan 305-8572
kenlo at sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp

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