[GRASSLIST:4915] Re: rasters reprojection UTM -> LAEA

Rado Bonk rado.bonk at jrc.it
Tue Nov 23 09:13:38 EST 2004

Dear GRASS users,

I used following steps:

TARGET LOCATIOON (UTM) DEFINED based on the following info from data 
"ETRS89, UTM-Abbildung, Zone 33; DHHN 92, BKG Geoid"

name: UTM
proj: utm
ellps: grs80
a: 6378137.0000000000
es: 0.0066943800
f: 298.2572221010
zone: 33

GRASS:~> r.in.gdal input=3753no output=375
ERROR: Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.

name: UTM
proj: utm
ellps: grs80
a: 6378137.0000000000
es: 0.0066943800
f: 298.2572221010
zone: 33

        cellhd.proj = 0 (unreferenced)

You can use the -o flag to r.in.gdal to override this check and use the
location definition for the dataset.
Consider to generate a new location with 'location' parameter from input
data set.

GRASS:~> r.in.gdal -o input=3753no output=3753 location=3753


g.projinfo gives no results since PROJ_INFO and PROJ_UNITS do not exists

GRASS:~> g.setproj:

XY-location cannot be projected.

GRASS:~ > g.region -p
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      5791542.5
south:      5788747.5
west:       3471422.5
east:       3477112.5
nsres:      5
ewres:      5
rows:       559
cols:       1138

- I can't define projection for 3753 LOCATION using g.setproj
- I can't reproject raster since r.proj can not reproject XY location

If I defined TARGET LOCATION worng, why r.in.gdal did not produced 
correct location with "-o" parameter (???), but produced XY location 

Thanks for the ideas,

Rado Bonk

Radoslav Bonk
European Commission - DG  Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Institute of Environment and Sustainability (IES)
LM Unit - Natural Hazards
Via E. Fermi, TP 261, 210 20 Ispra (VA), ITALY
tel: 0039 0332 78 6013
fax: 0039 0332 78 6653
On Nov 23, 2004, at 9:35 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 01:08:19PM +0100, Rado Bonk wrote:
>> Dear GRASS users,
>> I have problems with reprojecting ArcINFO rasters from UTM to LAEA. I
>> defined LOCATION to imported the rasters (based on data provider 
>> info):
>> name: UTM
>> proj: utm
>> ellps: grs80
>> a: 6378137.0000000000
>> es: 0.0066943800
>> f: 298.2572221010
>> zone: 33
>> However, r.in.gdal did not import the rasters in this location, and
> please post the error message to better understand the problem.
> Markus

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