[GRASSLIST:4496] Re: Bus Error in ps.map on Mac OS 10.3

J. Brian Adams brian.adams at fandm.edu
Sat Oct 9 10:03:01 EDT 2004

This is in Grass 5.7.

The first error was mine.  The colortable was not being printed because 
it did not exist.  I went in and edited the cats file manually and the 
colortable now prints. I used to do this with r.support, but this is 

Nevertheless, it does do something a bit odd.  I ask for three columns 
using cols 3 (there are six categories.)  It prints three on the first 
row, two on the second and the last on a third.  It would be nice to 
have two rows of three.

It still does not print the vector map.  I am new to playing with 
vlines and vareas, so I still suspect that the problem is in my ps.map 
input file.


On Oct 6, 2004, at 6:24 PM, Hamish wrote:

>> I am getting a bus error in ps.map when I try to print the
>> colortable.
>> Although it doesn't give an error, ps.map does not print the vector
>> maps either.  This is on Mac OS X 10.3.5
> This is two errors? 5.3 or 5.7? can you reproduce it using the
> Spearfish data set and file a bug report along with the exact input
> commands and terminal output?
> http://grass.ibiblio.org/bugtracking/bugreport.html
> http://grass.ibiblio.org/data.html
> Hamish
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