[GRASSLIST:4660] Re: uncertainty on spatial aggregation using Thiessen polygons

DrakeGis drakegis at dacafe.com
Thu Oct 28 09:03:05 EDT 2004

  I'm not so sure about using Thiessen is a really good option. I know
that usually is the easier way, but Goovaerts, P (2000) in
"Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the spatial
interpolation of rainfall (Journal of Hydrology, 228 (1-2):113-129)"
presents a really good analysis of the different techniques (prior to
incorporate the elevation data) and some tools to improve the
estimations, toghether with analysis of accurancy. He also conclude that
Kriging is a better option.


> Hello,
> I'm aware that my question is not really GRASS related, but none of our
> GIS experts can help me, so I hope someone here can point me to a
> relevant paper or study.
> I want to aggregate daily rainfall data of 3 rain gauges in a small
> catchment for input in a lumped hydrological model
> Herefore, I am using a weighted average, based on the relative area of
> the respective Thiessen polygons.
> Now I'm looking for a technique to determine the uncertainty on the
> result, based on the variability between the 3 rain gauges.
> If someone can help me, this would be greatly acknowledged!
> Thanks,
> Wouter Buytaert

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