[GRASSLIST:4369] v.reclass and other help

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Fri Sep 17 11:08:49 EDT 2004

Dear grass users...
I have some questions...

I have tried to reclass a vector file using v.reclass....
the file is connected to a table where I have two columns: cat and CODE
I used this rules:

cat 11
where CODE=111
cat 13
where CODE=131
ans so on.......

At the end I obtained a vector map (RECLASSED) without database
connection which has cat values as I wanted...
later I created a dbf table for the file RECLASSED
then I used v.to.db to load cat values to the table....

here I had the first surprise...
the loaded record were really less than the vector features.... 
it seems that each record in the table is connected to all the area
feature having the same cat value....
is it normal??? 
if I need to obtain a table where each record is connected to a
different vector area feature I have to do something different I
did...????  (sorry for the stupid question)....


I have another question....:
I have some different vecrtor area features regarding areas of
I have a vector slope class map
I have a vector land use map....

I need to obtain a report about each area of interest... in this way:

class of slope 10:
area of land use coverage (I mean: 10km^2 grass, 25 km^2 urban, ecc....)

class of slope 20:
area of land use coverage 



class of slope 10:
area of land use coverage (I mean: 10km^2 grass, 25 km^2 urban, ecc....)



Can you give me some suggestions how to do this???
There is a simple way or I have to do some hard work???


thanks for reading this e-mail....
thanks for not to insult me  ...
and thanks for the advising.....



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