[GRASSLIST:4394] local / global depression

DELCLAUX Francois francois.delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
Wed Sep 22 19:22:00 EDT 2004

I'm searching how to find directly the global (one and only one)
minimum coordinates of a raster map.
I can do that with r.fill.dir, and then display the map and
find the coordinates of local minimum with the mouse
and with  d.what.rast.
But, 1) iIm not sure to get THE minimum of the map, 2) I would like
to do it with a command (or a set of command).
If anyone has a solution, I would enjoy to use it.
Thank's in advance.

Francois DELCLAUX 
UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
Universite Montpellier II - Place Eugene Bataillon
Case courrier MSE
34095  Montpellier Cedex 5      FRANCE        
mailto: delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
Tel : (33) (0)4 67 14 90 11      Fax : (33) (0)4 67 14 47 74

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