[GRASSLIST:4398] Problems with ps.map

Christof Bigler christof.bigler at colorado.edu
Wed Sep 22 21:01:04 EDT 2004

I encounter some problems when I use ps.map (GRASS 5.7 installed from 
binaries, Mac OS X). Please forgive me to ask 3 questions in the same 

Problem 1:
When I plot a raster map (494 rows, 592 columns, 30 m resolution) with 
d.rast, it looks as I expect it. However, when I save it with ps.map as 
postscript file, the raster map looks relatively coarse. I.e., pixels 
are removed or added, and patches show stairs-like boundaries. Changing 
the scale does not change anything.
With GRASS 5.3 (installed from binaries) and after changing the mapping 
instructions, the result with ps.map looks fine, but the file is about 
double the size as under GRASS 5.7.

Problem 2:
When I include a color table in the mapping instructions, a gradient of 
many different colors is shown in the color table (GRASS 5.3). 
Actually, I would like to show only 5 colors that are used in the 
raster map.
Changing the values to integer results in the "no data" box being drawn.

Problem 3:
Neither under GRASS 5.7 or GRASS 5.3 I'm able to add a vector to the 
raster map (however, this works with a monitor using d.rast and 
d.vect). Under GRASS 5.7, I get no error:

> GRASS 5.7.-cvs > ps.map -e in=model4.ssq.pred2.psmap 
> out=model4.ssq.pred.eps
> PS-PAINT: scale set to 1 : 107571.
> PS-PAINT: reading raster file <model4.ssq.pred2.r in data1> ...
> PS-PAINT: reading vector file <perimeter2v in data1> ...
> PS-PAINT: creating color table for <model4.ssq.pred2.r in data1> ...
> PS-PAINT: PostScript file "model4.ssq.pred.eps" successfully written.
But the vector "perimeter2v" is not drawn in the output.

Under GRASS 5.3, I get the following error:
> GRASS 5.3-cvs > ps.map in=model4.ssq.pred3.psmap 
> out=model4.ssq.pred2.ps
> PS-PAINT: PostScript painter "us-letter" selected.
> pwidth = 8.500000 pheight = 11.000000
> PS-PAINT: scale set to 1 : 107571.
> PS-PAINT: reading raster file <model4.ssq.pred2.r in data1> ...
> PS-PAINT: reading vector file <perimeter.v in data1> ...ERROR: vector 
> file perimeter.v in data1 : can't open

Thanks for any help!


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