[GRASSLIST:6464] view raster image - d.mon causes crash

Axel Orth axel_orth at gmx.de
Thu Apr 14 09:34:38 EDT 2005

i am new to grass and intend to use it in order to reference raster data.
unfortunately, i already have problems to view my scans:

the program crashes ( or seems to crash) when i open a monitor.
this appears both with the bash shell command and the gui “gis manager”.

after executing d.mon x0 i am not able to execute other commands [see 
in most cases the started monitor window causes clipping errors and i 
don't see anything.

i use cygwin/grass 6.1.cvs [downloaded at the official grass download]
on windows xp, athlon 1000, 512 mb ram

i tried to use the grass60.bat instead of grass61 but grass does somehow 
not start using the 60.bat

i hope someone has a clue what that is all about

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