[GRASSLIST:6649] AW: Import GRASS-Data from a distant Location/Mapset

marco.lechner marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Apr 27 16:52:28 EDT 2005

Hi Hamish,

I modified your scripts and they run great for my needs.
I will attach them to this mail - may be we can put it in the CVS?
What I changed:
- fixed problem "g.parser not found"
- r.unpack didn't remove the path from the *.pack file and tried to import
the packed Map with naming it the whole path not only the filename I added a
second sed pipe, which removes the path from $GIS_OPT_input

Could anyone please try it - I was only able to test it on a Cygwin-machine
with GRASS6.1.cvs.


Marco Lechner
Institut für Physische Geographie
Werderring 4
79085 Freiburg
Fon 0761 203-3548
Email marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Hamish [mailto:hamish_nospam at yahoo.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. April 2005 10:55
An: Marco Lechner
Cc: GRASSLIST at baylor.edu
Betreff: Re: [GRASSLIST:6631] Import GRASS-Data from a distant

> I wonder if it is possible to import GRASS-Data into my
> Location/Mapset from a Location/Mapset wich is storted somewhere else
> in the Network? I'm using GRASS for a GIS-Lecture and each user has
> its own Spearfish-Location/Mapsets. This is necessary, because the
> students also should learn to administrate a whole location.

Note maps in the PERMANENT mapset are read only and accessable from all
other mapsets.

To copy a vector map to another computer, just copy over the directory
in $MAPSET/vector/ and possibly the dbf link in $MAPSET/dbf.
scp, 'tar -czf' etc..

To copy a raster map (as you know) you have to copy a lot of files from
a lot of places... one day the raster format will be rewritten & things
will be easier, but in the mean time I have written a couple little
scripts to pack up a raster map for transport to another machine. r.pack
and r.unpack,


It's up to you to make sure the projection settings are the same.

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