[GRASSLIST:7819] Re: XY to projection

Dave Sampson gis at watersheds.ca
Mon Aug 8 10:44:46 EDT 2005


I'll try to help out, and perhaps others will offer a hand.

Sounds like you started on the right path. If you have not already done 
so, check out the tutorial.. GRASS in 10 Minutes 
[http://grass.itc.it/gdp/grass5tutor/HTML_en/c255.html]. The link will 
take you RIGHT to the georeferencing section of which I got all I know 
about the process you try.

For the zooming, try setting your default region to the area of you map.

g.region will do this for you.  type
#man g.region            

to learn some more

the basic layout is
#g.region vect=(name) save=(name)

this will save region (save=)  based on the defined vector layer (vect=)
 then you change your default region to the one you just saved. est voila.

Now when you zoom, it will zoom based on your new region.

let me know if that does not work. In which case, be a little more 
specific with your question.


> Hi All,
> 1. I have opened a 'Create New' and used an XY projection and with 
> default 1,0 etc for region.
> 2. Over that I have imported a JPG bit map and digitised.. taking bit 
> map as a back ground..
>     each time I zoom the bit map is gone..
>     then I tried the D.M's display when ever the bit map is gone.. It 
> works..
> Request: Can U make the Zoom of digitiing frame NOT TO LOOSE THE bitmap.
> 3. Now I have some coordinate system for the resulting vector.. But I 
> want to project it to
>     UTM geographic coordinates AT THIS STAGE.. HOW
> Thanks in anticipation
> Ravi Kumar
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|Dave Sampson: Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician	|
|								|
|Centre for Sustainable Watersheds				|
|Cooperative Approaches to Protect Canada's Water Resources	|
|								|
|14 Water St, P.O Box 280. Portland Ontario, Canada. K0G 1V0	|
|Lat: 44.700	Long: -76.19					|
|www.watersheds.ca		gis at watersheds.ca		|

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