[GRASSLIST:7945] TIN export

Karl Broich b61bro at b61srv5.bauv.unibw-muenchen.de
Wed Aug 17 12:12:04 EDT 2005


I want to export a TIN-DEM generated with v.delaunay. Is this possible with 
ESRI-shape output using OGR ? (The format generated by v.out.ascii and 
v.out.pov is not readable by the software I intend to use for further data 
optimization. If not ESRI-format a TIN-output in the following ASCII-format :
- header
- node-element-table
- node-location-table (x,y,z)
would be optimal)

Thanks in advance,


Dr.-Ing. Karl BROICH			Tel:	+49 / (0) 89 / 6004 2478
Universität der Bundeswehr München	Fax:	+49 / (0) 89 / 6004 3858
Institut für Wasserwesen
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D 85577 Neubiberg

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