[GRASSLIST:8090] Re: AVHRR imagery into GRASS?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 27 04:19:13 EDT 2005

> Anyone had success with importing this data format?

[nit pick: AVHRR is an instrument, not a data format; which format is
your data in?]

Yes, I've done it. Not for a while so I won't give exact instructions,
but I don't remember it being a problem.

Use r.in.gdal:

or failing that you might try r.in.bin.

I seem to recall a connection to the new gdalwarp thin-plate-spline
warping tool for better support for this sort of sequential line
satellite data. (Markus?)

If you figure it out, it would be a useful thing to post to the list so
that others searching the archive can find the instructions.


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