[GRASSLIST:9414] Re: color talbe (r.colors with rules)

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 10 20:29:20 EST 2005

> I am trying to create a color table for a raster map which is the
> result of an interpolation via v.surf.rst. I am using r.colors (6.1
> cvs on cygwin) in the following way:
> *r.colors map=*/interpolated_raster /*color=*/rules/

what's with all the "*" and "/" ?

r.colors map=interpolated_raster color=rules << EOF
0% blue
100% red

> When I enter no matter what color name and press enter, I receive the 
> following message:
> ** bad color specification **
> ** rule is not added **
> What am I doing wrong? I would like to get a color map that goes form 
> blue to red.

you have to do either category number/raster value or percentage, then
color name or RGB triplet. Not just color name.

see the help page:


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