[GRASSLIST:9518] Re: Best language for batch processing?

Tyler Mitchell tjm at timberline.ca
Thu Dec 15 18:38:39 EST 2005

Richard Greenwood wrote:
> On 12/15/05, Jonathan Greenberg <jgreenberg at arc.nasa.gov> wrote:
>>Anyone have any suggestions for the best language to learn/use if we want to
>>r un GRASS commands via batch processing?
> You can go quite a long way with the Bash shell. O'Reilly has a book
> titled "Learning the Bash Shell" which I found to be helpful.

I agree.  If you can get into Bash, then you can do some great stuff.
On top of that I often use various text processing commands (sed, grep,
etc) to help filter out unwanted info.  In the geoprocessing world I
usually end up also using Python with GDAL/OGR - great scripting plus
some spatial imagery/vector smarts.

Good luck.


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