[GRASSLIST:9536] Re: Replacement for r.volume

Michael Fecht michael.fecht at uibk.ac.at
Fri Dec 16 06:32:09 EST 2005

Hi Roy,

i had the same problem.
Here is my solution:

- checkout the region's resolution
- calculate the area of one cell (resx * resy)
- run r.stats for your surface (dem)
- multiply the area of a cell with the sum of the surface's values


Roy Sanderson wrote:

 > Hello
 > What is the replacement command for r.volume, which doesn't seem to exist
 > in GRASS 6.0 ?
 > Many thanks
 > Roy
 > -------
 > Roy Sanderson
 > Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability
 > Devonshire Building
 > University of Newcastle
 > Newcastle upon Tyne
 > NE1 7RU
 > United Kingdom
 > Tel: +44 191 246 4835
 > Fax: +44 191 246 4999
 > http://www.ncl.ac.uk/environment/
 > r.a.sanderson at newcastle.ac.uk

Michael Fecht
Freisingstraße 2
A6020 Innsbruck
+43 (0)650 8131923

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