[GRASSLIST:9624] Re: gislock on the mapset

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Dec 23 07:19:47 EST 2005

Leonardo Lami wrote:

> I have a simple question about the gislock file.
> I have the dataset of GRASS in a server and I access to it from several 
> computers link in a network.
> I saw that if I try to access two times on the same mapset using the same user 
> from the same computer the file gislock works well and GRASS say:
> "user is currently running GRASS in selected mapset. Concurrent use not 
> allowed."
> But if I try to access two times on the same mapset using the same user from 
> an OTHER computer the file gislock does not work and I can acces with the 
> possibility to make damages.
> Is it possible or I make some errors?

Which version of GRASS? 5.x or 6.x?

5.x puts the lock file in the user's home directory. The requirement
that you have to own the active mapset prevents you from starting two
sessions on the same mapset from the same host, but doesn't help if
the mapset is shared between hosts.

6.x puts the lockfile in the mapset directory, so it should prevent
the scenario which you describe. If it doesn't, that's a bug.

In either case, there are ways to get around the locking, e.g.
changing MAPSET using g.gisenv directly.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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