[GRASSLIST:9628] Re: filling basin in little steps

Māris Nartišs maris.nartiss at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 10:17:45 EST 2005


I had similar problem last spring. Is solved it with r.mapcalc, but it
was slooooooooooooow (24 - 48h for 3M cells).

Now I wrote such GRASS module in C. Its almost ready for production
use. In next days I was planing to clean up it from comments and send
to GRASS devs for feedback/approval. It takes less than 1 min to
process same maps (compare to 48 hours!).
This module takes DEM and map with at least single cell under water
level and water level in DEM units. It sets water depth to all cells
below water level, which are connected to input cell. Result is lake
depth map at given level. With simple shell script is possible to make
such maps for different levels etc.
I created movie how water level rises and fills teritory, but,
unfortunatly, I dont have internet @home and dont have this avi with
me. :(

If You feel interested in it - I can send to You this experimental
module after holidays for testing.

happy holidays 2 all,

2005/12/23, Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de>:
> hi grass-friends,
> i have a dem in a fine resolution from a basin. is it possible in
> grass to fill the basin in little steps (for example 10 centimeters)
> to see the different flood-levels in the basin?
> maybe some internet-resources?
> greetings from the snowy austria
> hellli
> system:
> suse linux 9.2
> grass 6.0.1

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