[GRASSLIST:5588] v.to.rast and null values

David Orme d.orme at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Feb 1 07:34:57 EST 2005


I have a point vector connected to a postgresql table. I want to create 
a raster from the vector using values from one of the columns and so I 
can use:

v.to.rast behr_grid column=total_richness output=total_richness

This works fine _except_ that the psql column contains both 0 and null 
values and the null values come through into the raster as zeros. Is 
there an easy way to get it to recognize nulls? I can always update the 
table to set NULL to -9999 and then use r.null, but I wondered if it 
was possible to preserve the nulls in the first place.


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