[GRASSLIST:5688] Re: GRASS in old hardware

nromena at skyinet.net nromena at skyinet.net
Wed Feb 9 04:22:51 EST 2005

hi to everyone too!

follow-up question on this. i just would like to know which linux distribution 
best suit the grass60. i am a newbie and uses the binaries for installation.

i was planning to use fedora core 2 but learned from previous mails it's not a 
good match.

thank you,

november a. romena

> Hi GRASS users:
> I want to know which is the smallest hardware configuration that
> a full GRASS is installed.
> Which LINUX distribution is better to support GRASS on a small
> and old hardware configuration for example a 486 procesor with 64 MB?
> Thank you for your help.
> Kenneth Cabrera

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