[GRASSLIST:5692] Re: 6.0beta2: Input sites?

Francesco Mirabella mirabell at unipg.it
Wed Feb 9 09:48:37 EST 2005

Hi Jose',
I found a similar problem with v.in.ascii as I got 
"database connection non defined" both for dbf and postgres. Also, I
found that after db.connect, db.login the v.in.ascii command did not
create the table in the database (i.e. "DBMI-postgres: error could not
connect to database").
However I did not get any reply, I hope it is not only a problem on our
I post the message as I hope someone can provide a hint or tell us where
we are wrong

best wishes,

On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 02:11:48PM +0000, Jose Luis Gomez Dans wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to use 6.0beta2, but I'm finding some
> problems. v.in.ascii. I 
> have a sites list, which used to load fine with the
> old s.in.ascii. In 
> essence, it looks like this:
>   1548976.625000|   999991.813000| 2679.88|  2.8
>   1548814.625000|   999938.063000| 2680.33|  4.5
>   1548653.625000|   999885.563000| 2681.00|  8.2
> (%16.6f|%16.6f|%8.2f|%5.1f\n).
> The file has around 375000 records, and it essentially
> is 
> x,y,z,smoothing (smoothing as seen in v.surf.rst). I
> have loaded the 
> file into 6.0beta2 using
> v.in.ascii -z input=file.xyz cat=0
> output=ouput_v
> z=3 columns='x double precision, 
> y double precision, z double precision, tol double
> precision'  
> This works, but it takes an awful long time (5-10
> minutes), and it uses 
> most of my memory. While v.info shows the right sort
> of minimum and 
> maximum values for x,y and z, it is impossible to get
> hold of the 4th 
> column of my input data. v.info -c map comes up with
> the following 
> message:
> Database connection for map <XXXX> is not defined in
> DB file
> If I use 5.3, I can import the sites file easily and
> quickly using 
> s.in.ascii. s.in.ascii is also present in 5.7, but I
> don't get the 4th 
> column, and I found some strange artifacts when using
> s.surf.rst in 
> 5.3, and wanted to see if these had been solved in
> 6.0.
> So, how does one load up such file then? I read the
> man page, but to no 
> avail!
> Many thanks!
> José
> -- 
> Jose L Gomez-Dans, Research Assistant
> Bristol Glaciology Centre, Geographical Sciences/CPOM
> University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
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Francesco Mirabella,
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sismologia e Tettonofisica, Roma (Italy)
contact c/o:
Structural Geology and Geophysics
address: University of Perugia,
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Piazza Universita', 1 06100 Perugia (Italy)
tel: ++39.(0)75.585 2651
fax: ++39.(0)75.585 2603
e-mail: mirabell at unipg.it
web: http://www.unipg.it/~mirabell/

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