[GRASSLIST:5696] Re: GRASS connection with R

Silvia Franceschi silvia.franceschi at ing.unitn.it
Wed Feb 9 10:42:57 EST 2005

on my pc I have GRASS 5.7 and R-2.0.1, I can not send any error because the 
program crashes and do not write any error message.
The other pc has GRASS 6.0 and R-2.0.1, here all seems to be right but if you 
want to plot the results there is an error message:

> plot(G, surf.krig$zhat, col=grey(9:2/9))
   Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
   x and y lengths differ
> surf.krig



I use the data of maas and the commands to make kriging:
- first use the log of the data
- second make the point object
- third make the pair object
- fourth estimate the variogram
- fifth fit the variogram with the gaussian and the exponential models
- make the kriging with the comand:
surf.krig <- krige.G(logmaas.point, "lz", logmaas.varEmod, G)

It could it be a problem of the region settings on the other pc but I don't 
know on my pc what it could be...

Thanks Silvia

> I suggest moving this question for clarification to the STATSGRASS list.
> Please state clearly which version of GRASS, which version of R and which
> version of the interface package you are using on what platform. Saying R
> crashed may mean that it terminated completely, but may also mean that it
> responded correctly to your commands. Providing the commands and error
> messages verbatim, especially with a simple, reproducible example, does
> help a great deal. As it is, no help can be given because too little is
> known.
> Roger

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