[GRASSLIST:5780] v.in.ascii, grass6.0 binary version for cygwin

Jan Bartholdy mailing_list at jan-bartholdy.de
Tue Feb 15 08:46:30 EST 2005

Dear All,
I have imported an ASCII table (tab's as field separators) into grass
without problems using v.in.ascii input= output= without any arguments
(using arguments like columns="...", the problem is the same).
All coordinates are imported and the correct number of colums and their type
was recognized. After that, an error message occur: mv: cannot move
/home../../.tmp/Jan1/5164.dbf to /home/.../topo/dbf/species_1.dbf:
permission denied. 
After that, the module building topology etc.

The 5164.dbf file remains in the .temp/Jan1 folder.

With d.vect, I can display the points, but the labels are not present.
Db.colums gives an error : DBMI-DBF driver error: Table species_1 does'nt

Thanks a lot, Jan

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