[GRASSLIST:5524] Re: does grass support AIB format?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 17:40:22 EST 2005

> Apologies for any newbie stupidity here (have only just got Grass
> running today) but I'm trying to find out if it supports UK Ordnance
> Survey AIB format. I read somewhere that it did, but can't find any
> mention of it on the GRASS site or in the mailing lists, so I have no
> idea how to use it, if indeed it's possible.

Supported raster formats through r.in.gdal:

AIB: Arc/Info Binary Grid (.adf)?? If so you can load it with r.in.gdal.

use 'gdalinfo filename' to test what format it is.

Supported vector formats though v.in.ogr:

OGR supports UK Ordnance Survey .NTF format:

Hope that helps,

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