[GRASSLIST:7467] Re: import HDF files

Vincent Schut vincent at ecovla.nl
Wed Jul 6 03:23:01 EDT 2005


if you want to use r.in.gdal, you will have to use the full reference to
a HDF4 subdataset as required by gdal as
HDF4_SDS:subdataset_type:file_name:subdataset_index. You can see that
r.in.aster does so, if you look at its output: it calls gdalwarp with
'HDF4_SDS:ASTER_L1B:"/home/guano/grassdata/AST.L1B.00309052003132740.09242003132138.hdf":2' as input file. You'll have to use something like that too. You can find out how to reference your hdf subdatasets by running gdalinfo on your hdf file (then indeed just give it the filename). It will tell you the full hdf reference and its subdatasets. For more info, see http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/frmt_hdf4.html.


On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 19:06 -0300, Carlos Guâno Grohmann wrote:
> I still cant have my ASTER imagens on GRASS. I have builted HDF4,
> rebuilted GDAL with support for HDF4 and GRASS.
> If I try r.in.gdal:
> r.in.gdal input=/home/guano/grassdata/AST.L1B.00309052003132740.09242003132138.hdf
> output=test band=1 -o -e
> ERROR 4: `/home/guano/grassdata/AST.L1B.00309052003132740.09242003132138.hdf'
> not recognised as a supported file format.
> If I try r.in.aster:
> r.in.aster input=/home/guano/grassdata/AST.L1B.00309052003132740.09242003132138.hdf
> proctype=L1B band=1 output=test
> georeferencing aster image
> gdalwarp -t_srs +proj=lcc +lat_0=-18.0000000000 +lat_1=-8.0000000000
> +lat_2=-28.0000000000 +lon_0=-46.0000000000 +x_0=2000000000.0000000000
> +y_0=5000000000.0000000000 +a=6378160 +rf=298.25 +no_defs
> +towgs84=-60.0,-2.0,-41.0
> HDF4_SDS:ASTER_L1B:"/home/guano/grassdata/AST.L1B.00309052003132740.09242003132138.hdf":2
> /home/guano/grassdata/amsul_lambert/sad69/.tmp/Valhalla/26909.0.tif
> A target coordinate system was specified, but there is no source coordinate
> system.  Consider using -s_srs option to provide a source coordinate system.
> Operation terminated.
> importing into GRASS
> ERROR 4: `/home/guano/grassdata/amsul_lambert/sad69/.tmp/Valhalla/26909.0.tif'
> does not exist in the file system,
> and is not recognised as a supported dataset name.
> Cheers,
> Carlos

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