[GRASSLIST:7654] Re: ERROR: Input map is rotated - cannot import.

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 20:17:44 EDT 2005

> Dear reader, I have received the message above when attempting to
> import  a .tiff using r.in.gdal
> Yet, when I view this tiff in Gimp, it appears to look fine, with
> North up. How do I rectify this?

If you look at the attached meta-data with gdalinfo you will see a
rotation parameter. I think you can use either gdal_translate or
gdalwarp to turn it and keep geocoding, or 
"tifftopnm in.tif | pnmtotiff > out.tif" to remove all geocoding.

Someone else will hopefully have a better solution for you.


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