[GRASSLIST:7743] Re: v.digit oops - backup command

Ian MacMillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Fri Jul 29 13:02:33 EDT 2005

I have never heard of something like this, though it would be most 
welcome.  I always make a copy of the vector that I am going to 
digitize, and work just on the copy.  Once I am done, I then erase the 
old file.  Primitive, but it saves me from some of my mistakes.


On Jul 29, 2005, at 9:52 AM, M S wrote:

> Ok... so i 'm happily v.digitizing away... and i delete something i
> didnt want to, or do some operation i made a mistake on (moved vertex,
> etc..).
> is there a way to "back up"? in other software it keeps an audit trail
> of transactions and you can "oops" back through all the transactions,
> in effect restoring vector digizing operations performed....
> is there something similar in GRASS v.digit?
> thanks!

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