[GRASSLIST:7030] problem compiling grass6.0.0 - motif
javier garcia
rn001 at cebas.csic.es
Mon Jun 6 12:45:08 EDT 2005
HI all;
I'm trying to compile grass6.0.0
I've got lestiff-0.93.94 installed by default with a Mandrake distribution of
Linux, and grass6.0.0 is looking for a header called Xm.h when tries to
locate Motif includes:
cheking for Xm/Xm.h... no
configure: error *** Unable to locate Motif includes.
I checked that I've got lesstif.so libraries but not this header. I don't
remember to have had this problem when I installed grass5.0 the last time.
Has anyone compiled grass6.0.0 with dynamic lesstif libraries in his computer
with no problem? Perhaps lesstiff has changed the name of its headers and I
need to do a soft link called Xm.h to some lesstif header?
Thanks all and best regards.
A. Javier Garcia
Water and Soil conservation department
Campus Universitario Espinardo
PO BOX 164
30100 Murcia (SPAIN)
Phone: +34 968 39 62 57
Fax: +34 968 39 62 13
email: rn001 at cebas.csic.es
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