[GRASSLIST:7085] re:"geodabase" definition

paallen at attglobal.net paallen at attglobal.net
Wed Jun 8 14:50:23 EDT 2005

A geodatabase is a database that contains not only
text, numerica, or boolean information but also
spatial data such as points, lines, polygons.  

It sounds like you are refering to ESRI's
replacemnt for the shape file. 
ArcGIS/ArcEditor/ArcInfo now all would preferr to
put there data into a geodatabase.    ESRI's
ArcView spatial data used to be stored as shape
files.  A shape file consisted of at least 3
separate files (.shp-geometric, .dbf-attributes,
shx-indexes).  Now all of these separate files
can be stored in a MS ACCCESS file and you can
even store entire projects worth of shape files.  

But an ERSI geodatabase does not have to be an MS
ACCESS file but it can also be a server-based
database system like Oracle or MSSQL. 

I advisee you to check ERSI's web page  you and
will find tons of information on the subject.

good luck and I hope this helps


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