[GRASSLIST:7307] Re: Multiple PERMANENT mapsets displaying in g.mapsets

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Fri Jun 24 17:47:31 EDT 2005

From: "Patton, Eric" <epatton at nrcan.gc.ca>

> When I run g.mapsets.tcl, the window opens up showing me the list of 
> mapsets
> I have access to....only there seems to be two PERMANENT mapsets listed,
> which are both selected. How can this be? I've checked that there is only
> one PERMANENT directory (there is). I can display maps from PERMANENT no
> problem, just seems kind of weird. Anyone else notice this before? I'm
> running 6.1 cvs-4 through Cygwin.

I saw the same on a Linux box of a friend. That was a CVS 6.1 Grass about 
two monts old now. However in the same time, with the same Grass version I 
didn't have that odd effect.

I wonder if the reason could had been related that my friend was working in 
Grass 6.1 CVS using datasets created long time ago in Grass5. Although the 
double PERMANENT seemed odd it doesn't seem to have done any harm.


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