[GRASSLIST:5964] Re: A simple method to start GRASS with a new language

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Mar 2 05:10:16 EST 2005

On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 05:49:30PM +0100, Lorenzo Moretti wrote:
> Hi all
> This is a little method to start GRASS with a different language than 
> default
> The language now is only for commands and message not for menu and 
> it's not complete... (only de thank to Markus)
> Edit the startup file with name grass60 with your text editor.
> Example in 6.0.cvs:
> in Unix/CygWin the file is /usr/local/grass-6.0.cvs/grass60
> in OSX-X11 the file is 
> /Applications/Grass/grass60cvs.app/Contents/Resources/grass-6.0.cvs/grass60
> in OSX-Aqua the file is 
> /Applications/Grass/grass60cvs.app/Contents/Resources/grassx-6.0.cvs/grass60
> At the beginning (row 23) before trap command add one row (in this 
> example de language)
> export LANG=de_DE
> Substitute de_DE with your language (cs_CS, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, etc..)

Please note that translated messages only appear *if they were translated*!
To see the statistics:

I recall that people wondered about Italian. Looking at the stats
you can see that 
PO-Files	Translated	Fuzzy	Untranslated
grassmods_it.po 	153 	24 	704
grasslibs_it.po 	56 	352 	21

most messages are not yet translated in this language.
> after save and start Grass.
> In future will be possible to translate Michael Barton' GIS Manager 
> (d.m.tcl and menu.tcl) with an if for the choice.

We'll have to merge the msgcat stuff from GRASS 5.0-i18N into
the new display manager. This requires a person knowing tcl/tk
as many things have changed. The old source code is available

It's probably a work of 1-3 hours to integrate the msgcat support.
Then translations could also start for d.m and nviz.

Volunteer needed!


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