[GRASSLIST:5997] Re: moving layers from one machine to another

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 22:41:56 EST 2005

gut feeling: endian bug.

I know my r.in.mat/r.out.mat modules which should deal with big/little
endian problems are buggy right now & you can't use them by way of
r.pack/r.unpack[*] to transfer raster maps to OSX. On my TODO list.

[*] http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass5/2004-July/014923.html

these modules + vector libs should all be using G_is_little_endian() but

suggested short term remedy: set up import on OSX before leaving work on
Friday and by the time you are back at work mon AM it will be done.


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