[GRASSLIST:6006] How deep is a region?

David Adam david at quercus.org
Sat Mar 5 12:23:47 EST 2005


I'm trying to set up a region, starting with a Landsat TIFF
image from California.  I have imported the region with r.in.gdal,
which produces a large file. I then close grass60 and reopen in the
new location, at which point I get the errors

GRASS_INFO_ERROR(5579,1): default region is invalid
GRASS_INFO_ERROR(5579,1): line 15: <depths:     -1074916636>

The relevant file for the region is


proj:       99
zone:       0
north:      213720.89780907
south:      -6149.10219093
east:       -168613.96484194
west:       -404623.96484194
cols:       7867
rows:       7329
e-w resol:  30
n-s resol:  30
top:        1
bottom:     0
cols3:      7867
rows3:      7329
depths:     -1074916636
e-w resol3: 30
n-s resol3: 30
t-b resol:  1


Most of the fields in the file are explained in the REGION section
of the manual, but I can't seem to find anyplace that defines or
explains what the "depths" field is about.  But until I can get
grass to accept the region, I can't do much of anything.

All help is much appreciated...


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