[GRASSLIST:6154] Re: r.proj and gdawarp give differernt results
Maciek Sieczka
werchowyna at epf.pl
Mon Mar 14 07:39:54 EST 2005
From: "Frank Warmerdam" <fwarmerdam at gmail.com>
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 19:41:30 +0000 (GMT), Paul Kelly
> <paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk> wrote:
>> r.proj is more a backward projection where you have a region of interest
>> in a new co-ordinate system and you want to take the portion of the image
>> that overlaps with your new system and project it in there. So r.proj
>> does a backward projection for every cell in the new region, and does an
>> interpolation to find the most appropriate pixels in the original image
>> to re-sample in there.
> Maciek / Paul,
> I would add that while gdalwarp uses "forward projection" to establish
> the area of the output file in the default case, the actual image
> sampling is done via "backward projection" much like r.proj.
> I don't know why the two results are different, but to know whether
> it even makes sense to compare you would need to be very careful
> in establishing that the two results are for exactly the same region
> and resolution.
> (Frank reviews the first email, and realizes that
> the regions seem to be exact matches with the possible exception
> of the odd "Rows: 16746 (16747)" for the output grass region).
Sorted out. Was my fault when zooming. See point 6. below that it is
allright now.
> Second, you would want to review very carefully
> whether there is anything different about the coordinate systems
> that end up getting used.
Doublechecked. No differences as to my knowlegde. Both Grass locations
involved where generated from appropriate epsg codes and the same codes are
used with gdalwarp.
> If one is doing a modest datum shift, and
> the other is not, that might well explain differences.
No datum shift involved since the source projection is utm33/WGS84 and
target is tmerc/GRS80.
> Thirdly, I would suggest using the -et 0.0 switch with gdalwarp.
> Without that, I believe that gdalwarp uses a linear approximation
> for the reprojection as long as the error does not appear to exceed
> some fraction of a pixel. With -et 0.0, gdalwarp will do a full
> reprojection operation for each pixel.
Done. The difference if -et is used or not is neglactable and visually
impossible to notice - while difference between r.proj and gdalwarp is very
well visible. However any gdalwarp command I will use from now on will use
the -et 0.0 for the sake of correctness.
> Beyond that, there are various sources of possible mathematical
> error that could explain some differences. However, the differences
> in the example you provide do seem to be pretty widespread
> suggestion a substantial issue.
> I would suggest review the "Rows" issue in the GRASS output,
> try again with -et 0.0 and then see where you stand. If the
> problem persists
It persists. Now I will let myself to quote the whole procedure re-done
following your suggestions. All three rasters involved are attached (made
with gdal or exported from grass with r.out.gdal).
Image "frag_utm33.tif" is my starting point.
1. reprojecting "frag_utm33.tif" with gdalwarp into
[pingwin at localhost frag]$ gdalwarp -t_srs epsg:2180 -tr 14.25 14.25 -et 0.0
-co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" frag_utm33.tif frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180.tif
Creating output file that is 309P x 218L.
:0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
[pingwin at localhost frag]$ gdalinfo frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Size is 309, 218
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["ETRS89 / Poland CS92",
SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.2572221010042,
Origin = (336985.286466,279536.356833)
Pixel Size = (14.25000000,-14.25000000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 336985.286, 279536.357) ( 16d42'26.68"E, 50d21'37.30"N)
Lower Left ( 336985.286, 276429.857) ( 16d42'31.52"E, 50d19'56.77"N)
Upper Right ( 341388.536, 279536.357) ( 16d46'9.43"E, 50d21'41.63"N)
Lower Right ( 341388.536, 276429.857) ( 16d46'14.14"E, 50d20'1.10"N)
Center ( 339186.911, 277983.107) ( 16d44'20.44"E, 50d20'49.22"N)
Band 1 Block=309x26 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)
2. importing "frag_utm33.tif" into raster "frag_utm33" in the utm33
Grass location
3. entering epg:2180 Grass location
4. importing the "frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180.tif"
5. reprojecting "frag_utm33" with r.proj:
a) source utm33 location:
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > g.proj -p
name : Universe Transverse Mercator
proj : utm
datum : wgs84
a : 6378137
es : 0.0066943800
zone : 33
no_defs : defined
unit : metre
units : metres
meters : 1
b) target epsg:2180 location
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > g.proj -p
name : Transverse Mercator
proj : tmerc
datum : etrs89
a : 6378137
es : 0.0066943800
lat_0 : 0
lon_0 : 19
k : 0.999300
x_0 : 500000
y_0 : -5300000
no_defs : defined
unit : metre
units : metres
meters : 1
c) reprojecting
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > r.proj input=frag_utm33 location=etm_utm33
output=frag_rproj_epsg2180 method=nearest resolution=14.25
Input Projection Parameters: +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=33 +a=6378137
+rf=298.257223563 +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000
Input Unit Factor: 1
Output Projection Parameters: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=19 +k=0.999300
+x_0=500000 +y_0=-5300000 +no_defs +a=6378137 +rf=298.257222101
Output Unit Factor: 1
Cols: 299 (299)
Rows: 202 (202)
North: 5580100.500000 (5580100.500000)
South: 5577222.000000 (5577222.000000)
West: 621599.250000 (621599.250000)
East: 625860.000000 (625860.000000)
ew-res: 14.250000
ns-res: 14.250000
Cols: 309 (720)
Rows: 218 (506)
North: 279542.250000 (281594.250000)
South: 276435.750000 (274383.750000)
West: 336984.000000 (334062.750000)
East: 341387.250000 (344322.750000)
ew-res: 14.250000
ns-res: 14.250000
Allocating memory and reading input map...
6. both gdalwarp and r.proj product have the *same* number of columns,
rows and res but the extent and apperance are still somewhat different:
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > r.info frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180
| Layer: frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180 Date: Mon Mar 14 11:55:03 2005|
| Mapset: PERMANENT Login of Creator: pingwin|
| Location: etm_epsg2180| | DataBase: /home/grassdata|
| Title: ( frag_gdalwarp_et0_epsg2180 )|
| Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: 255|
| Data Type: CELL|
| Rows: 218|
| Columns: 309|
| Total Cells: 67362|
| Projection: Transverse Mercator (zone 0)|
| N: 279536.35683273 S: 276429.85683273 Res: 14.25|
| E: 341388.53646595 W: 336985.28646595 Res: 14.25
| Range of data: min = 0 max = 255|
| Data Source:|
| Data Description:|
| generated by r.in.gdal|
GRASS 6.0.cvs:~ > r.info frag_rproj_epsg2180
| Layer: frag_rproj_epsg2180 Date: Mon Mar 14 11:44:22 2005|
| Mapset: PERMANENT Login of Creator: pingwin|
| Location: etm_epsg2180|
| DataBase: /home/grassdata|
| Title: ( frag_rproj_epsg2180 )|
| Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: 255|
| Data Type: CELL|
| Rows: 218|
| Columns: 309|
| Total Cells: 67362|
| Projection: Transverse Mercator (zone 0)|
| N: 279542.25 S: 276435.75 Res: 14.25|
| E: 341387.25 W: 336984 Res: 14.25|
| Range of data: min = 14 max = 255|
| Data Source:|
| Data Description:|
| generated by r.proj|
> then I would suggest reprojecting a grid,
> so that we could careful evaluate some points of difference.
What resolution, extent and grid interval?
> If you come to the conclusion that gdalwarp is in error
What if r.proj is wrong, not gdalwarp? Paul, could that be?
>, please don't
>hesitate to file a bug with the input image, the output image you got
>from gdalwarp, and one sample point (pixel) that you believe is in error.
Will do.
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