[GRASSLIST:6193] V.in.ogr and coor file bytes excess

geir.systad at nina.no geir.systad at nina.no
Wed Mar 16 08:13:46 EST 2005

Sorry for the last header, it was not an answere to the GRASSLIST:6191
message -

I use the graphical interface of Grass6.0.0 Cygwin stable (feb
I have tried to import shapefiles into grass, and get messages like

v.in.ogr dsn=/cygdrive/c/xxx/periode1a.shp output=p1a min_area=0.0001
PROJ_INFO file not found for location N50kart
PROJ_UNITS file not found for location N50kart
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
Proceeding with import...
Layer: periode1a
Building topology ...
Registering lines: 
238 primitives registered      
Building areas: 

238 areas built      
238 isles built
Attaching islands: 
Attaching centroids: 

When I try to present it on maps, only the boundaries of the areas show
up -

GRASS 6.0.0 (N50kart):~ > WARNING: coor files of vector 'p1a at PERMANENT'
is larger than it should be
         (33479 bytes excess).
WARNING: Cannot display areas, topology not available
WARNING: Cannot display topology, not available

When I use v.external, the map writes out afterwards without problems.
The number of primitives is different. 

v.external dsn=/cygdrive/c/xxx/periode1a.shp output=p1d layer=periode1a 
Building topology ...eature:     100   200 238
Topology was built.
Number of nodes     :   476
Number of primitives:   476
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   238
Number of centroids :   238
Number of areas     :   238
Number of isles     :   238

What is the problem with the coor file made by v.in.ogr? Can anyone


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