[GRASSLIST:6290] Re: GRASS Propaganda Collection - Please contribute

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Mar 30 07:38:50 EST 2005

On Wed, March 30, 2005 8:33, Jachym Cepicky said:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 01:00:30PM +0200, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> Hello,
>> With GRASS 6.0 out, I think this is a good moment to collect all the
>> existing
>> GRASS propaganda that you might have created. This includes presentations,
>> images, texts, articles, etc. We could then put them on the GRASS website so
>> that when someone wants to present awesome GRASS to an eager crowd, she or
>> he
>> won't have to reinvent the wheel.
>> Please send anything you have to me, preferrably in a modifiable form
>> (latex,
>> text, OOImpress, MS Powerpoint, etc) including a statement that you are
>> willing to let anyone use and modify your work.
> Hallo,
> I don't think this is  a good Idea, that can be pretty much! Have a look at
> our GRASS[cz] homepage (http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~grass/). I understand it so,
> that *everything* what is there, should be send to you... It would be maybe
> better, to collect "international" propaganda -- something, what is in english
> and is somehow "good"...

If you think that there is really too much on your site, then we can simply
link to it. (I don't understand enough on it to be able to judge ;-)

However, maybe I was not clear enough concerning the objectives: the idea is
that anyone who

- wants to present GRASS to colleagues to convince them to switch over,
- present GRASS in general at a conference, Linux user group meeting, etc
- introduce GRASS in schools, universities, etc, for example in the first
lesson of a course
- convince his/her spouse that spending late-night hours with GRASS is really
- etc

should be able to go to a central location (GRASS website or wiki), download
an existing presentation, poster, etc to either use it directly or modify it
for his/her purposes.


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