[GRASSLIST:6821] Converting shapefiles from wrong coordinates

Paulo Marcondes paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Thu May 19 14:04:05 EDT 2005


I got many shapefiles from the IBGE (Brazilian Mapping Agency) which
are in completely wrong coordinates:

I have two situations:
1. SHP in lat-lon non-projected, but with coordinate values in 1.2E6
scale, where it should read 12...

2. DGN (argh!) in UTM projection (SAD69, Corrego Alegre, Meridian -45
) but coordinates in km instead of metres.

Currently I am using some commercial GIS to export those shapes in (1)
to DXF then another commecial CAD to fix'em then import the to the
previous commercial GIS.

I don't like this approach, because it either:
- delay my learning of proper GIS techniques
- rely on non-free software
- leaves me far from GRASS

Currently I have GRASS running on Cygwin, but as soon as I fix my
Debian, I'll get GRASS running there too. I have yet to explore the
spearfish data.

BTW, I have no previous experience with GRASS. Was not able even to
create a project.

So, obviosly I  want some help in how to deal with that. I like trial
an error, so, just a few pointers to relevant places shall suffice for
the moment.


Paulo Marcondes
wanabe GRASS-GIS user
zpaulomarcondesz at gmail period comz
my email has no z

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