[GRASSLIST:6941] Re: Generic Mapping Tools latest program free download

Dylan Beaudette dylan at iici.no-ip.org
Sun May 29 11:47:04 EDT 2005

On May 29, 2005, at 5:37 AM, RAVI KUMAR wrote:

> Please help me find 'Generic Mapping Tools latest program free 
> download'.
> I wish to start using GMT in place of Autocad.
> Thanking in anticipation
> Ravi


You will need to show a little bit of initiative in finding the 
software if you plan on using GMT :) I would recommend using the web 
form on the GMT's website to assist with the installation.

Getting the software installed is not overly complicated, but it will 
take about 20 minutes of reading some documentation.

It is possible to install a binary version of the software, but the 
from-source installation can better tailor the install to your machine.

Good luck,

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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