[GRASSLIST:8802] Re: 3d blocks in GRASS NVIZ

Stefania Merlo sm399 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 25 07:19:26 EST 2005

Dear Peter,

could you be a bit more specific on the issue? I have been working on 3D 
volume visualisations with the command v.to.rast3 where the attribute 
located at a specific x,y,z position is exploded to a cube of given 
resolution. Does this sound what you are trying to do?


--On Friday, October 28, 2005 12:46 +0200 "Ing.Peter Misovic" 
<peter.misovic at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to ask you for help with creating 3D boxes based on
> database layer. Does anybody has any experiences ?
> Thank you.
> Peter

Stefania Merlo
Department of Archaeology
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
e-mail: sm399 at cam.ac.uk

Office: +44 1223 763518
Mobile: +44 787 6405064

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