[GRASSLIST:8921] Re: points in area

Maik Trömel maik.troemel at maitro.net
Mon Nov 7 12:08:45 EST 2005

I thought of a faster solution ;-p

Are there any other statistic tools like r.univar. One which is able to 
make a selection? Something like: "Make a statistik of all points lying 
in area "a"!" (without extracting and selecting before)


Markus Neteler wrote:

>please define "better solution"...
>On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 05:06:52PM +0100, Maik Trömel wrote:
>>I thought of this too. But I hoped there would be a better solution.
>>Markus Neteler wrote:
>>>Maik Trömel wrote:
>>>>I think my question is not clear enough.
>>>>I know there's possibility to get points lying in an area with v.select.
>>>>In my map i've got several areas. I need all points lying in area a to
>>>>make a statistic with v.univar. But with v.select there is only the
>>>>possibility to get all points lying in all areas. That's not what I need.
>>>Simply first extract area 'a' with v.extract, then run v.select on this
>>>new map.
>>>For several areas it's best to write a small script which loops over the
>>>area map,
>>>extracts, selects, and runs v.univer.
>>>hope this helps

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