[GRASSLIST:8942] Re: distance algorithim
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 8 20:30:00 EST 2005
> After digging through the man page, the following gives me a list of
> distances:
> r.mapcalc "area.one=1"
> r.cost -k input=area.one output=distance start_rast=past_sites
> r.mapcalc "distance2=if(isnull(present_sites),null(),distance)"
> r.mapcalc "dist_meters=distance2 * (ewres()+nsres())/2."
> r.stats -1 -n input=dist_meters
> This takes about the same cumalative amount of time as my module,
> although mine also calculates the angle to the nearest past site for
> each distance and generates moment statistics.
how do the results compare between the two methods? i.e. how good a job
does r.cost do with the knight's move? without?
r.mapcalc residuals=map1-map2
r.univar residuals
sort of thing
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