[GRASSLIST:9115] r.mapcalc

Maik Trömel maik.troemel at maitro.net
Thu Nov 17 05:01:44 EST 2005

Hello Grass-User,

probably soemone can help me!

I run folowing r.mapcalc funtion:
r.mapcalc stat_k0='if(DEM_EU>100 && DEM_EU<=200,grass_wetter,null())'

DEM_EU ist the DEM of Europe GTOPO30-Dataset. grass_wetter is a planar 
lattice (areas) of weather data. Works great.

I get the a map with the geometry of GTOPO30 and the information of 
grass_wetter. But thats not what i need. I need the geometry an the 
information of grass_wetter where DEM_EU is between 100m and 200m.

Could anybody help me?


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